Yalina Soft, tender

Yalqoot An ancient woman who gave substantially in charity

Yamamah Valley at Arabia

Yamina Right, Suitable

Yaminah Right and appropriate

Yara Little Butterfly

Yashal Freshness, greenery

Yasmeenah Sweet-smelling blossom

Yasmin Jasmine blossom

Yasmina A lovely blossom that excels

Yasmine Flower

Yasna This signifies white climbed in Arabic

Yassaman The blossom Jasmin

Yelda Dark nighttime

Yumna Good luck, success

Yusayrah Easy. Among those first two declare allegiance (bayah) into the Prophet
(S.A.W) one of the Ansar (however It’s also said she had been one of the
Muhajirs (Emigrants)

Yusra Prosperous

Yusur Prosperous